Confidence Barriers

What Is Confidence?

Confidence, is when you have full trust in yourself. When you’re totally at peace with who you are, at every moment and you make no apologies for being awkward, nervous, loud or soft spoken… you’re just you, because whether or not someone tells you that you’re doing a great job, you know that you have the ability to “handle it”. A confident person has unconditional faith in their ability to handle a situation whereas, a person lacking confidence, will not doubt their abilities and typically actions tasks, with increased anxiety due to their self-doubting beliefs.

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How is Confidence Related To Career?

Lack of confidence can influence how you feel about your career ambitions. It can make you think certain jobs are out of your reach when really they’re not. It can make you wary of investing your time and energy into new things. Fear of change, and fear of the future, holds us back. If things have gone wrong in the past, you might worry that the same thing will happen when you try again.

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There are various Confidence Barriers. So we wanted to know What was the First Confidence Barrier of our Respondents? So we asked the same And got the responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: What is your first  confidence barrier?. Number of responses: 78 responses.

Our research shows that 24.4% respondents have “Worry” as their first confidence barrier. 23.1% respondents are “Hesitant”. 20.5% respondents have “Doubts”. 12.8% respondents are “Confident”. 10.3% are “Indecisive” and 9% have “Fear” as their first confidence barrier.
Lack of confidence results in inaction and not standing up for oneself.
It results in missed chances and setting the bar too low.
So we get to know about the first Confidence barriers of our respondents and now we wanted to know How would they overcome their Confidence Barriers?
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Forms response chart. Question title: In context to above question - If you face a barrier how would you overcome that barrier?. Number of responses: 73 responses.
This question is related to the previous one - so we got 73 responses for this question.

There are different ways to overcome your barriers which we have listed in our questionnaire out of which 31 (42.5%) respondents choose “Discussion” to remove their confidence barrier. 23 (31.5%) respondents choose “Practice Gratitude Daily” and “ Appreciate your courage”. While 22 (30.1%) respondents choose “Mind Exercise” and remaining 13 (17.8%) have chosen “Introspection”
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  • Mind Exercise: It can be used to Overcome the Fear and Hesitation by doing daily mind exercises like meditation, Yoga etc. These exercises helps you to reduce stress and be more Confident.
  • Appreciate your Courage :  "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow." So by appreciating your courage you can overcome your confidence barriers.
  • Discussion : The best way to remove Doubts is to discuss about it with others.
  • Practice Gratitude Daily : Gratitude allows us to recognize good in our lives. Practicing gratitude daily can greatly benefit our physical, emotional, mental and social well-being which in-turn makes us more confident.
  • Introspection : Introspection is a process that involves looking inward to examine one's own thoughts and emotions. Daily Introspection helps in Overcoming Confidence Barriers.
"If the respondents can overcome their Confidence Barriers and feel confident, they can push themselves outside their comfort zone. They know they can achieve their goals. They feel certain about their abilities and trust that things will go to plan – or that they can handle it if they don’t."

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